Tronc Lite Service
The simplest route to deliver all of the benefits of a tronc and minimise the hassle. We operate your tronc and act as Troncmaster but payments are made through the employer’s payroll alongside pay.
A flexible and cost effective solution
Our Tronc Lite service complies with HMRC requirements but avoids the need to separately register with HMRC and the hassle of managing an independent PAYE scheme.
With Tronc Lite, we manage the hassle of operating your Tronc scheme, acting as Troncmaster, and we can run the payments to your employees by providing your existing payroll team with a simple importable file containing all of the information you need.

- Attracts NI savings for employees
- Keeps employers compliant
- Lowest cost to operate
- No need to set up a separate PAYE scheme
- You do not need to register with HMRC
- No need to move card tips and service charges around
- Integrates with your existing payroll
- Use existing payroll to process tronc payments
- Employees see tronc payments on payslip but split out from other earnings

Troncmasters Role
As Troncmasters we are responsible for:
- Working with your employees to create the Tronc
- Building a Tronc constitution
- Agreeing and building the rules around starters and leavers
- Working with your team to develop and codify the tip sharing rules
- Building a customer policy
- Each period, calculating each employee’s share of tips
- Advising you on what to pay

Organisation is responsible for:
- Advising the value of the tips, gratuities and voluntary service charges each period
- Letting us know about new starters and leavers each period
- Receiving Tronc pay from Troncmaster and processing through payroll
- Producing payslips for employees showing the Tronc
Benefits of this solution
The main benefits of this system is that it is low cost. We are taking on the Troncmaster role, so are fulfilling the HMRC requirements and are saving NI, but there are no additional costs for setting up and running a separate PAYE.
For employees it is simple as they see their tronc payments on the same payslip as their salary.
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